Den europeiska ekonomiska intressegruppen EGARA, European Group of Automotive Recycling Associations, bildades i november 1991 och är den samordnande organisationen för bildemonteringar i Europa.

Organisationen har som sitt syfte att befrämja den europeiska bildemonteringsbranschens intresse för att:

– underlätta eller utveckla medlemmarnas ekonomiska verksamhet.
– stimulera användningen av miljövänliga bildemonteringar bland medlemmarna och befrämja återanvändning av produkter och material.

– Syfte att följa utvecklingen kring bilåtervinning samt befrämja bildemonteringar i Europa.

För mer detaljerad information har ni här en länk till EGARA:s hemsida. Läs mer om vårt medlemsskap i vår branschinformation.

Information about EGARA 

Founded in 1991, EGARA is the European umbrella association for the national associations of automotive recyclers in Europe.
As such, EGARA represents the professional, environment-conscious automotive recyclers in Europe.

Our mission is:

  • to facilitate and develop the economic activities of European Automotive Recyclers
  • to stimulate the development of environmentally justified working methods for the companies
  • to stimulate product and material reuse.

Our basic philosophy is based on the following mission statement:

“My primary business is to sell quality second-hand automotive parts. In order to obtain these, I have to dismantle cars, ELVs and damaged cars. When dismantling, I ensure the protection of the environment from hazardous ‘elements’ present in the vehicle and follow the strict rules of operation required for environmental protection.”

EGARA members consist of National Associations in 11 European countries.

EGARA has always been a “low cost operation”. We try to fight our case with limited resources, and when I compare with the resources used by similar European umbrella associations, my feeling is: We have achieved quite a lot – despite our limited resources!

The future of EGARA is not depending on one person, but the future of Automotive Recycling in Europe is very much depending of a strong EGARA. There is still a lot to be done – and more will come – but if we work together on it, we will succeed in the interests of Automotive Recyclers in Europe – and remember: We are the only ones to defend and develop these interests.

As a European Trade Association we, of course, work together with relevant European organisations.
During the development of the EU-directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs), EGARA has provided input to the directive, both at the Commission level and at Parliament level, as well as having discussions and meetings with other European Trade Associations in the Automotive sector, e.g. car-producers, producers of components and parts, recycling industries etc.

EGARA is present at many stakeholder meetings like: reporting methodologies, public consultancies, reviews, ELV Directive fitness check and more. We have good contacts with the EC, ACEA and other European stakeholders. Topics like missing vehicles, registration systems, VAT on spare parts, waste status, industry status in legislation are easy to discuss with good outcomes for us. Another topic is parts information.

Therefore EGARA is the only European association truly representing Automotive Recyclers.

But to do this successfully we simply must work together – in EGARA!